Hardcover Buku Yasin Silver

Hardcover Buku Yasin Silver - Buku Yasin Murah. 

  1. Hardcover Silver Harga Rp. 17.000,-
    Spesifikasi :
    • Foto Full Color.
    • Poly (Biru, Merah, Hitam dll)
    • Emboss
    • Kertas isi surat yasin (Kertas AVS + Kertas ART Paper)
    • Lengkap dengan Surat Arrahman, Al - Mulk dan Al - Wakiah.
  2. Hardcover Silver Harga Rp. 16.000,-
    Spesifikasi :
    • Foto Full Color.
    • Poly (Biru, Merah, Hitam dll)
    • Emboss
    • Kertas isi surat yasin (Kertas AVS + Kertas ART Paper)
    • Tanpa Surat Arrahman.

    Lihat juga produk Hardcover Buku Yasin Gold

    Catatan :
    ** Harga bisa berubah sewaktu-waktu.
    ** Untuk penawaran harga silahkan kontak no telepon dibawah.
    ** Jumlah order lebih sedikit, harga satuan semakin mahal.

Informasi & Pemesanan :

Telepon : 08787 9032 180

BBM     : 263512E2
Email    : imam@mumtzprint.com


  1. Everything about Book Printing
    The printing technology has many things involved than you can possibly imagine. It has obviously got
    more to itself. Over the last few decades the printing scenario has much changed. Gone are the days
    when people would rely upon the publishers for all the printing and binding needs. Instead people have
    started opting for self-publishing. Let us take a closer look at the same and find out the details of it.
    Print on Demand
    Before the onset or arrival of digital printing, things were not this rosy for Book Printing. Printing a copy
    of the book (whenever customer wanted) was never feasible then. The books were printed in huge
    quantities (2000 or more) to make it an economic affair. This is what triggered the arrival of digital
    http://www.yasincetak.blogspot.com/ cetak yasin
    http://www.percetakanbukuyasin.com/ cetak buku yasin

    Digital Printing
    Apart from the positives that have already been discussed, digital book printing doesn’t require a
    massive setup and this is the reason, that thousands of new publishers have started catering to the
    needs of the people. The companies publish and print books even in small quantities as (1 or 100)
    depending upon the need of the customer. The best thing about this is the fact that, companies dish out
    the book in a few days as they don’t require to ship huge quantities of paper for the same. Moreover,
    this is more economic for the customers as well as the printing houses.
